Storming the USA: “100 Dinners in 100 Nights”
100 Geek Dinners
100 Nights
100 Conversations
Over the last six months, Stormhoek has sponsored a lot of geeky and not-so-geeky dinners in London, Dallas, New York, Tennessee, Cumbria, and other parts of the world.
We’ve enjoyed being part of it. Sure, it’s a chance to sponsor our product, but it runs deeper than that. People gathering and talking about what matters to them, I frankly can’t think of a better reason to open a bottle of wine.
As I mentioned before, we will be launching in the States shortly. So to tie in with this w e were thinking sponsoring more of these wonderful blog dinners. So why not make it official?
Here is the deal: we’ve asked
Hugh to set up a wiki where any blogger can sign up to organize a dinner [or lunch or breakfast, for that matter].
We’ll supply the wine, the bloggers supply the people and the conversation. The events don’t have to be big, or at a fancy place, we imagine that they could be anywhere- a bar, a porch, a beach, park, whatever, so don’t limit yourself to a restaurant.
Sure, we want this to be about bloggers, although anyone who wants to invite a supermodel, rock star or pro athlete along is welcome to do so. We just want the events to be interesting. The local organizer will set the rules for the event, so please use your imagination. As usual, there is no need to blog or post pics about Stormhoek, but we do ask that you email us some pics of the event, because we’d like to have mementos of the dinners, maybe to post later.
You will need to post an idea for a subject for your dinner on the wiki – any idea will do, and not every event has to have a different topic. We might provide a few ideas. Some of the Stormhoek folk will try to attend some of them, if we can. The 100 days will run from 1 May until 9 August 2006.
Finally, everything is subject to us being allowed to get the wine to the event through the appropriate distribution channels, void where prohibited by law, etc.
This is just an experiment, and sure, the idea will probably evolve some, but we think there’s a lot of fun to be had. We like what the bloggers are doing, we like what they and their geek dinners stand for, and we want to be part of it.
I hope you’ll visit the wiki. Thank you.
3 Comments, Comment or Ping
Erwin Dink
It would be great if you posted summaries of or links to blog posts from dinners that have already happened.
Jun 14th, 2006
electric desire
Is this event available in Canada? I live in Niagara Falls, Ontario, and am an eclectic geek (cult tv fandoms/gamer/cosplayer). As such, I have geek friends. We like to eat, and need it be said some of us are wine geeks as well. It would be great to participate in this event if we could.
Jun 19th, 2006
That’s been wonderful of you to let us know about this one, will gona taste it very soon.
Jul 5th, 2006