Frappr… Sounds like…
A cool way to plot your Stormhoek dinner.
A couple of weeks back, Hugh did a nice post about the Telegraph article on Nick. John commented and suggested that we could set up a Frappr account (I had never heard of Frappr before) and with a few clicks of the mouse, we have the very cool looking Stormhoek 100 dinner Frappr map.
If you have emailed or wiki’d your dinner, we’d ask that you be so kind as to go to the map and plot your event with your zip code. It only takes a second and this way we can all keep track of how the 100 dinners are spreading. I suspect that the non-USA folks can do it just for fun as well, even though we are just starting to work on the out of US dinners.
At the current rate of sign ups, it looks like we should have the 100 dinners spoken for in about ten days. Then, we will have to make some hard decisions.
2 Comments, Comment or Ping
Glad to help!
Mar 14th, 2006
Good to finally meet you last night – since I relaise I don’t have an email address for you i’ll use the moderated nature of this blog to pass on a couple of supplemental thoughts in the knowledge that they won’t go public. They both address areas of potential consumer scepticism in relation to the bottle.
1) Is there a potential dissonance between an “object of desire” and the fact that I assume it will have a screw top. Although the perception is rightly shifting, I’m sure that there remains a view that the screw top wine bottle is somewhat nouveau and “not quite right”.
2) Will the cynical public perceive differentiation by bottle design as too much marketing – i.e. a gimmick that shouts pay attention to me! After all this is all geared to achieving “trial”, the wine has to do the rest thereafter.
No doubt this has all been thought of already and I have to say I don’t know which side of the argument I woudl come down on, but maybe it’s somehting you could get some soundings on via the blog?
Mar 15th, 2006