“300″ The Movie
Great time spent on Friday night at the private screening of 300, the movie, by Warner Bros. The movie is based on one of Frank Miller’s adventure series and is a riveting story of one of the most under-reported and glorious battles of the Persian-Greco war. Thanks very much to Simon Dunstan from Beatwax and to Danny from Warner Brothers for a great time and also to all the bloggers – great to meet you!
My first impression of the movie after watching the trailer last week, was that it would be another violent, bloody, historic war movie. In fact, it was a cinematically beautiful movie with some incredibly emotive scenes – as Zac – film director – said afterwards (and what a genuinely nice, amusing and inspiring man), “the movie is a love story to the book” – well said. The violence and war scenes effectively communicate the story, whilst the digitized blood brings the comic aspect of the book to the movie itself. King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) represented something throughout the movie which I found very moving… the ability to always believe in oneself and the ability to, when faced in a position where everyone expects you to behave in a certain way, to do the total opposite.. In doing so, one achieves the remarkable, the memorable and the life changing.
One Comment, Comment or Ping
Going to watch This Film (300) tonight with bro in Greenwhich, I’ll let you all know my view. Sounds like a good film
Mar 24th, 2007