Sometimes the world works in odd ways. In three short years, Stormhoek has grown from zero to about 200,000 cases in the UK market. But this alone, was not sufficient to keep our UK importer and ‘partner’ financially healthy. And just before Christmas, they went into administration.
While the issues are being sorted in the UK, back at the vineyard, we are busy thinking about harvest and the more mundane things we need to do to get wines made and in the hands of customers around the world.
From down in South Africa, we view this as an opportunity for reinvention: Stormhoek 2.0. Stormhoek has been blessed with probably the most passionate group of supporters in the world of wine. We thank every one of you and hope that we will still have your support in the future.
For those members of the wine trade fraternity who may suffer in Orbital’s reorganization, we are sorry and we are working with them to minimize any problems. We hope that we can make it up to you in the future with mutually beneficial business.
Technorati Tags:
gaping void wine, gapingvoid wine, stormhoek, stormhoek vineyard, stormhoek wine, stormhoke wine, orbital wine, wine 2.0
4 Comments, Comment or Ping
I am not sure how much of a viable business model this would be or if it would be cost effective but have you considered allowing customers to purchase a case of wine directly from your website?
In a P2P world, where investing effort in 2.0 has already brought you so much, exploring alternative avenues for growth could prove to be equally rewarding.
Jan 9th, 2008