Blue Monster Redux
Last year we launched Blue Monster Sauvignon Blanc, and while our hook up with Microsoft was widely reported, we had a hiccup or two that got in the way of doing a proper launch.
So, while the Blue Monster has been doing his thing over at Microsoft, the wine has been happily residing in a temperature controlled warehouse. So, when Kris Hoet, Digital Manager at Microsoft, asked where he could get some Stormhoek Blue Monster, we were happy to oblige.
Microsoft will be sponsoring Le Web this year, our buddy Loic’s, Paris based event that is by far, France’s best attended Web conference. Previously President Sarkozy has addressed the gathering and this year, they’ll all have a chance to partake of a bit of world changing social lubricant.
We hear that there are going to be some big announcements coming from Microsoft in the near term, and we’re honored to have been able to put the Blue Monster on our wine for them.
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