
A Taste of Wine Relief – The final 6 Wines


Had a fun meeting with the guys and girls at Virtual Wine last week.

They tasted their way through 18 selected wines that form part of Wine Relief and chose Stormhoek Shiraz as one of their final six wines to feature in their live, online Virtual Wine Tasting Event on Saturday 3rd March 2007.

Wine Taster Packs of the wines are available individually from the major retailers (UK) or in mixed Wine Taster Packs from Virtual Wine £39.95 for 6 bottles (including delivery). Virtual Wine will be donating 10% of the sale price from the purchase of their Wine Relief Taster Packs to Wine Relief.

So if you fancy getting some mates around at home on Saturday night and having some fun in support of Wine Relief, please do so! Hugh will also be live in a podcast on saturday night.

Stormhoek wins Wine of the Week in the Daily Mail


Stormhoek Sauvignon Blanc 2006 got a great write-up and achieved Wine of the Week (WOW) in Matthew Juke’s regular wine column in the Daily Mail on Saturday.

The Sauvignon and IWC world award-winning Pinotage are both launching in Tesco in March.


Exciting Interviews of the Week!


The Stormhoek/Tesco Movie Finale has taken on an interesting twist, resulting in some extra filming in London’s West End…

In the meantime, see this 1 minute phonevideo of Q&A of Jason Korman – head of Stormhoek and Hugh Macleod (from our Love Tour) by Edelman’s CEO, David Brain.

While Jason was in Australia a week ago, he was also podcasted by Winecast in the USA.

Stormhoek:Global Microbrand here we come!

Stormhoek/Tesco Love Tour – Movie Update

The final footage of Hugh and Stomhoek’s exploits will be uploaded this evening and there will be a potentially cerebral version of the story within the next month. Check the blog for little snippets from the rushes on a regular basis (e.g. the raw unadulterated footage of Hugh on the whirligig thingy in Blackpool – a truly tear inducingly funny moment).

These are the last notes I will be writing for the moment. I really hope people have enjoyed watching Hugh’s exploits as he toured the country, it’s rare to spend time in the company of someone who is profound, funny, and totally from the heart. He has artfully fallen between the stooge and the sage on this trip, no mean feat for a first time performance in front of the camera.

Working with Catherine and Hugh has been great fun, we have run the full gamut of emotions – at times crying with laughter and at others squaring off for a full on brawl in one of the many car parks we have found ourselves in, but it’s an experience I will never forget…

Colin x

“300″ The Movie

Great time spent on Friday night at the private screening of 300, the movie, by Warner Bros. The movie is based on one of Frank Miller’s adventure series and is a riveting story of one of the most under-reported and glorious battles of the Persian-Greco war. Thanks very much to Simon Dunstan from Beatwax and to Danny from Warner Brothers for a great time and also to all the bloggers – great to meet you!

My first impression of the movie after watching the trailer last week, was that it would be another violent, bloody, historic war movie. In fact, it was a cinematically beautiful movie with some incredibly emotive scenes – as Zac – film director – said afterwards (and what a genuinely nice, amusing and inspiring man), “the movie is a love story to the book” – well said. The violence and war scenes effectively communicate the story, whilst the digitized blood brings the comic aspect of the book to the movie itself. King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) represented something throughout the movie which I found very moving… the ability to always believe in oneself and the ability to, when faced in a position where everyone expects you to behave in a certain way, to do the total opposite.. In doing so, one achieves the remarkable, the memorable and the life changing.

Valentine’s Thoughts and a Film Premiere


I thought i would pop a picture up of Hugh from Valentine’s night…We’re nearly finished editing the final movie clip (for the moment) and should have it up by sometime this afternoon.

We’ve got an exciting evening planned tonight. We’ve been invited by our mate Simon, from Beatwax, to attend an exclusive sneak preview screening of the film 300, the epic Spartan battle based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director Zac Snyder (Dawn of the Dead), who will be flying in directly from the film’s launch in Berlin. It starts at 6:30pm in London and Hugh will be bringing some of his famous blogging compatriots along. Should be interesting!

Directors Thanks to Musicians


Whilst I’m busy editing the exciting antics of last night, I would like to thank the musicians involved for allowing us to use their music, incredibly generous of them as well as lending an emotional quality to the film that would not otherwise be there. I am a fan of all those involved and have listed below MySpace contact details. None of the artists are signed at the moment so if there are any A&R folk following this story then feel free to look them up…

*Big Love 2, Artist: Pablo Eskimo, Track: Bunny Boiler, * Big Love 3 Artist: Colin Kennedy Track: Untitled 1 *Big Love 4 Artist: Pablo Eskimo Track: Irony pabloeskimo. * Big Love 5 Artist: Colin Kennedy Track: Untitled 1 * Big Love 7 Artist: Baillie and the Fault Track: Cross Your Fingers *Big Love 8 Artist: Pylot Track: Hollywood Kills

Hugh picks that lucky lady…

A little twist in the tale of this unusual story of love…Keep watching tomorrow when more will be revealed…

Big love

Valentine’s Secret Surprise…


Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Here we are on our last day, talking about love and tonight! Filmmaker Colin Kennedy is a busy bee trying to get up the latest footage before we make our way down to the London Eye for 7:30/8pm for the Valentine’s Secret Surprise.

We’ll be handing out schwag [T-shirts, boxer shorts, red sexy g-strings, caps, Valentine’s card and whatnot], from around 7:30pm if anyone’s in the vicinity… We’ll be filming the romantic climax to this tour… with a bit of a twist at the end…

It all ends tonight. Or does it? [SFX: Evil Laugh]

Valentine’s Love from all at Stormhoek!
Cath xx

Talking to Jason Godley & Richard Mew from Tesco

Hugh tells Head of wine at Tesco, Jason Godley, and Buyer of South African, Rose, USA and Spanish wine, Richard Mew about his “Evil Plan”…

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