It’ Official
The last week has been pretty busy. Kami Huyse in San Antonio kicked off the 100 dinners in 100 nights Stormhoek launch on Tuesday. Both Kami and Alan Weinkrantz posted about the launch. Kami also posted a nice podcast from the get together. It looked to be a working lunch with fellow marketing and public relations people, but many of them had never met before and came together around Stormhoek — which is what is really is all about.
Speaking of podcasts, Hugh and I did a half hour interview over Skype (Hugh in Cumbria and me in London) with Tim Elliott of Tim is one of only about ten wine geeks who have signed up and is sponsoring a dinner, in Minneapolis later in the month. The podcast will be up soon and Tim has promised a very dispassionate and direct review of the wine.
Bay Area Geeks (Gonna Go)Crazy?
Kai Peter Chang is advertising for a spokesmodel/ actress to MC his event next week. As I read it, it looks like he’s going to have about 130 people for his SF bay area event. I am sure that our model-blogging Anina would happily fly in from Finland where she is currently doing a gig for Nokia as part of her very cool 360Fashion Network.
Stormhoek’s debut in Paris.
On the opposite side of the globe, Susie Hollands of Ivy Paris ran a really cool art show at La Chapelle Saint Louis de la Salpêtrière Thursday evening. We collaborated with Paris based American Surrealist Matthew Rose, who did an amazing collage which he produced as a label sized limited edition and applied to Stormhoek bottles at the event. Thanks to Susie for including us in your uber-cool show.
Finally, Jathan MacKenzie did a nice post about his number 3 out of the 100 dinners and seemed to agree that while other Pinotage that he has had, were not so hot- he liked his Stormhoek. Thanks Jathan.
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You can see the surrealism here:
Sep 18th, 2006