
Q: How many animal rights protesters does it take to save the puppy?

Longfellows Greenhouse.jpg

A: 190 at Stormhoek Fan, Viaggiatore’s greenhouse garden party!

Well, they weren’t exactly animal rights protesters – they were more interested in all things horticultural than anthropological, but even so they seemed to like the ‘Buy me or the puppy gets it’ prints sent courtesy of Hugh MacLeod.

Actually, the puppy’s not entirely off the hook yet. Rumour has it, famed London video podcaster, Lloyd Davis, has been trolling around pet shops looking for volunteer pups… Can’t wait to see the vid.

We’ve had lots of enquiries about where people can buy Stormhoek in the US, but I’m afraid we haven’t quite finalised distribution listings for all the States just yet. We’re working on it though so watch this space! Rest assured we’ll let you know as soon as we have final confirmation….

All the best things are worth waiting for, right?

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Josh Unfried

    Please hurry! I tried this wine for the first time at last night’s Techcrunch party and am going crazy trying to figure out how I’m going to get my next bottle…..HELP!

  2. Fefu

    I’m anxious to know if and when Stormhoek will venture north to Canada. A big geek, both for wine and most things sci-fi, the idea of a “geek wine” intrigued me. I also live in the Niagara Region of Ontario, so for me to be anxious about the arrival of a South African wine is akin to blasphemy in this wine region. Shh, don’t tell the local vineyards.


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