Cautious approach is best
There’s a road to nowhere in the Cape mountains where the dusty track winds this way and that, diminishing in width as it goes. Finally, in front of a set of horse stables, it peters out.
Few cars are seen on this Boven Vallei (upper valley) road, usually abbreviated to the Bovlei, north east of Wellington. They bring trade and business to the valley, mostly suppliers of wine equipment and horse feed.
After heavy rain and we’ve had a lot this winter, finding your way around the holes makes for a slow trip.
There are a few wine lovers who make the effort, searching for the holy grail of Nabygelegen (near enough), Doolhof (labryrinth), De Companie (the company) and Stormhoek.
Many turn back without finding their destination, believing they must have lost their way somewhere.
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