Lucky Again ?
Despite my slightly bitchy post about our best-pinotage-in-the-world-trophy from the IWSC, we were in fact, honored to have received it, even if has an ad for a competitor baked into it.
While the guys were receiving the trophy last Wednesday night in London, over in Boston, Mass., our buddy, Dave Parmet, was attending a much different kind of gala on our behalf: The annual Society of New Communications Research Ball.
[David Parmet]
SNCR is a non-profit think tank dedicated to the advanced study of new communications tools, technologies and emerging modes of communication, and their effect on traditional media and communications.
According to SNCR, the awards were in recognition of innovative organizations and professionals who are pioneering the use of social media (i.e., blogs, wikis, podcasts, collaborative tools and other forms of participatory communications) in the areas of marketing, public relations and advertising, politics, entertainment, academics, and community and cultural development.
We received an Award of Excellence for our use of this blog and social software over the last year.
The folks at SNCR posted a nice précis on our UK work.
For us, the most gratifying acknowledgement was to see (a partial list) of the companies who also received the same business award:
· Cisco Systems, Inc.
· Bain & Co. and Atwood Partners
· Microsoft Xbox (with Edelman)
· Seagate Technology
It was just about a year ago when Hugh did a post which resulted in our new Siren offering, wherein he asked: “Why can’t a small wine company think of there competition as Apple and Google?”
Despite the fact that Robert Scoble at Microsoft agreed, some people scoffed at the idea.
These days, much of our inspiration comes from the world of tech, fashion and pop culture, not wine.
We find that this makes for better quality wine, and not the usual inspirational channels that winemakers adhere slavishly to.
[Bonus Link:] Great interview of Dave by Shel Israel.
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