Directors Thanks to Musicians
Whilst I’m busy editing the exciting antics of last night, I would like to thank the musicians involved for allowing us to use their music, incredibly generous of them as well as lending an emotional quality to the film that would not otherwise be there. I am a fan of all those involved and have listed below MySpace contact details. None of the artists are signed at the moment so if there are any A&R folk following this story then feel free to look them up…
*Big Love 2, Artist: Pablo Eskimo, Track: Bunny Boiler, * Big Love 3 Artist: Colin Kennedy Track: Untitled 1 *Big Love 4 Artist: Pablo Eskimo Track: Irony pabloeskimo. * Big Love 5 Artist: Colin Kennedy Track: Untitled 1 * Big Love 7 Artist: Baillie and the Fault Track: Cross Your Fingers *Big Love 8 Artist: Pylot Track: Hollywood Kills
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