We Welcome The Goats – Seven Suggestions for Charles Back!
Our favorite neighbor, Charles Back, the marketing genius behind such iconic South African brands as Goats du Roam and Fairview, has joined the blogosphere! Last year, during a lovely lunch at the Fairveiw restaurant, The Goatshed, Charles mentioned that he was planning an entry into the Web 2 space, so it is great to see the blog finally up and running.
Charles has sent out a press release promoting the blog, so we thought we’d help him pimp it. At the same time, it seemed that we’d offer a few pointers for our new online buddy:
1) Doing a group blog is difficult, a lot harder than doing a single author blog. So, each author needs to find his voice and role within the blog. Make YOUR voice authentic.
2) Don’t just pimp your stuff.
3) Decide what conversation you want to own.
4) Short posts delight readers.
5) Nobody cares as much as you do.
6) Do a video
7) Link to people you like and even the ones you don’t like, if that are doing something worthwhile.
8) (bonus Suggestion) We love the Goat shtick, but have you thought about something new? Maybe, Emus Du Trot or something Afrikaans sounding?
Good luck with your Web2 endeavor, we know that you will stay at it until you get it perfect.
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