Talent Like Nowhere Else
We all need a bit entertainment with our beer wine, and Harry is kind enough to supply it. The thing about Alpine is that music is really big, and there are some extraordinary talents around town. One of our favorite people is Jeffro. Jeffro plays the Ukulele, has the stage presence of David Lee Roth and the voice of Bob Dylan, he make any tune sound amazing- He ain’t no Tiny Tim.
We’re trying to save up to sponsor Jeffro to go on tour, and we’re thinking about putting up a Paypay button for you guys to help us get him on the road sooner. Carnegie Hall awaits.
Hail Jeffro!
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Stefania Doria
Hi Hugh & everybody!
Better wine than beer, no doubt! Fantastic singer this Jeffro!
Enjoyr yr day, I’ll keep in touch Stefy from Italy!
Apr 29th, 2009